#Tescodeliveryman, I didn’t order Daz and a return to the #SELF

#TheCrown #darkwaters #miscarriage #bulimia #trauma #I’mexperiementingwithhashtags #secretmessage #theyarediggingupgravesinnunheadcemetaryasthetreerootsareunearthingthemeverythingisbeingunearthed

Black male Tesco delivery driver gives a thumbs up while a white woman in her 50s holds a huge box of washing powder

Tesco Delivery Man with me holding huge Daz, their substitute for no bio Tesco powder

This Tesco Delivery Driver was happy to come in and help with my shopping, good job too, my family eco non-bio washing powder wasn’t available, this was Tesco replacement. I can hardly lift the box, my legs nearly gave in.

A dry lockdown for me this time round. I wanted to be as alert, as aware and ON it as possible. To respond and be as true to my feelings as I can be. I’m returning to my SELF, whilst trying to stay grounded.

As a psychotherapist working continuously during 2020, the more the lockdowns, the more isolation we suffer, whoever we are, and whoever we are with. It is those who have been abused, and are aware (or are becoming aware) of emotions in relation to their abuse and abuser, recognizing intensely, the continued abuse this year brings, with Government threats of more, all across the world.

Most abuse (Including my experience as a survivor) occurs, and recurs behind closed doors, either alone or in a group (who are also being abused, in various TIERS!). The more isolated we are, the more oppressed we become and the more we ‘go along’ with what we’re told. The more we hear words like TRACK, TRACE, LOCKDOWN, NEW NORMAL, CONSPIRACY THEORIES, MANDATORY, LAWS, DISTANCING, KILLING YOUR GRANNY (where are grandads?), OVERWHELMING, AUSTERITY, WORST RECESSION … the abuse runs and runs and runs deep, like a needle in an arm…INJECT HOPE INTO MILLIONS OF ARMS…There’s another from Mr Hancock. That’s not a sign of hope, that’s a sign of torture to me, re what’s to come. The nearest I’m getting to a needle is going through the eye of one on my spiritual journey of love.

More recently, I saw a photo of a younger beaming Mr Hancock with the man himself, Klaus Schwab, also beaming at a WEF conference. Our government are looking for volunteers, scapegoats, to administrate our Christmas and New Year present of THE NEEDLE, oh two needles, then more because as Hancock said, there will be vaccines for viruses we don’t even know about yet. Our chance to be Captain Tom’s, and the Government are bringing in celebrities to help, dread to think who will buy into that one. I despair again, yet I know, behind the scenes (unseen in mass media) there are growing protest groups and the World Dr’s Alliance, triumphing over laws worldwide. Fighting for human rights.

Saturday night I watched Dark Waters, a film I recommend. It gave me some great insight into the enormity with what we’re dealing with right now. I’m putting my hope into the likes of Robert Bilott to save us (DuPont are selling PPE of all things). The Social Network, and Human Nature, both documentaries on Netflix, fabulous, I’ve never taken so much in, in my life.

And then there is the drama of The Crown, of which I have watched with delight. A friend on Facebook wrote:

“All Lady Diana does on the Crown is watch Bagpuss and pukes posh cake down the lavatory! Was she a Bagpuss fan?”

I replied:

“By watching Bagpuss and puking up posh cakes, Diana was busy putting bulimia on the map and by doing so has saved lives…

Watch Bagpuss

Throw up

Save Lives

I’m delighted that The Crown shows what it’s like, the shame and inner disgust. Diana helped me, that’s for sure. Before she came out about bulimia, I honestly thought I was the only person in the world who was that disgusting, at times I felt suicidal. Long may Diana puke on TV and watch Bagpuss which I believe may well have represented a time when she was a child and felt safe, before her mother abandoned her.”

Poor Diana, I was such a fan. Got beaten up by four girls on her wedding day and was on a day trip to Paris when she died (more about that another time).

Moving onto Meghan, who has now put miscarriage on the map with a more permanent marker I hope. Nice one Meghan. I am thrilled, yes, shame, pain, grief and inner torment, I know this pain only too well. Here is the song I wrote after my third miscarriage. I was too traumatised to speak after an appointment. I was at a friend’s house who was busy cooking for her three kids. She sat me down, got me a piece of paper and a pen and said “write a poem”. And here it is, I’m hoping to record it, post it on YouTube, maybe send to Meghan? I never got a chance to send my bulimia stuff to Di. The music of the song is like a cross between Nelly the Elephant and a Gang Show jolly ditty.

Recurring Miscarriage Clinic     Suite 8, third floor

Didn’t we have a lovely time at the recurring miscarriage clinic

You must admit it’s improved a lot with the new consultant Mr Jerkoff

And when he’s about the ladies shout aloud with glee

Didn’t we have a lovely time, all of the girls and me

Big long shiny probe right up your fanny

Searching, searching in every nook and cranny, oh!

Didn’t we have a lovely time at the recurring miscarriage clinic

You must admit it’s improved we see with new magazines and daytime TV

And when we all see a heavily pregnant celebrity

We all shout out aloud in joyous arouse, all of the girls and me

Pictures of foetus’s lining the corridor walls

Old ones, new ones and some in fallopian tubes, oh!

Didn’t we have a lovely time at the recurring miscarriage clinic

You must admit it’s improved the loss with the new receptionist Mrs Toss

And when she’s about the ladies shout aloud with joy

A fabulous time, I wonder what sex, a girl or a boy?

La la la la, la la, la la, la la la la, la la….etc

Didn’t we have, a wonderful time at the RECURRING  MISCARRIAGE CLINIC….My Charles and Diana tea caddy

Charles and Diana on my tea caddy

I watched 1984 last night. I recommend that too.

There is truth and there is untruth

To be in a minority doesn’t make you mad

Thank you Mr Orwell for those words right now

#Nunhead Art Trail this weekend

I’m very pleased to be displaying a display and performing in a random manor this weekend at the amazing artist Gill Day’s house which will be full of art, fun and performance.

Expect personal poems, songs and premonitions ….. Saturday and Sunday 12-6pm, 224 Ivydale Road SE15 3BU

#Rachel Pantechnicon and the #Bayeux Tapestry

I am extremely excited to announce that Rachel will be back on stage this year for a one off gig (just like U2) to celebrate Monsieur Macron’s decision to loan out the Bayeux tapestry.  For those who know Rachel they will remember how she holds secrets of the tapestry which can only be seen and heard in live performance.

Many of those performances were with myself, sometimes as a duo.  I am delighted that over a lunch today of baked sweet potato I sweetened her up for her to agree to perform again.  I shall be airing my show “Sex, Politics and Men with grey/white beards” whilst Rachel will be performing all her hits and more.  There will also be a prize for the best beard of the night.

For it’s enormity of beards, it is befitting that London’s first community run pub The #Ivyhouse, Nunhead will be hosting the event and there will be special guests to be advised over the coming months …

A date for the diary:   Tuesday June 26th  7.30pm.img_0813

The very lovely Felix #Tesco Delivery man and an exciting new blog post to celebrate the #Wombles, coming very soon ……

On Sunday, alongside the amazing #Jude Cowan Montague, #Shabsi Mann, #Matt Scott, #Caroline Kraabel and of course the one and only #Hugh Metcalf, I am performing my ‘In conversation with Garth Morton aka #Wellington Womble (the one that plays the violin)’ at the Klinker club #www.klinkerclub.com.  I shall also be singing other ditties like ‘The Bulimics Xmas Day Meal’ and ‘Trial without Catheter’.  As we are soon to celebrate the birth of our lord Jesus Christ, we shall be singing ‘The Dying Song’ together.  What a night.  img_0657Do join me if you are alive.

Waiting for #Tesco delivery man with concern

I am sensing a slight depression, Tesco delivery men don’t seem their usual selves.  I study Tesco prices with interest, most of the basic items I regularly buy have in the last few weeks risen as high as sometimes 10%.  Civil unrest is not far away.

I am going far away to Banbury Therapy Centre next Saturday to perform my new show “Sex, Politics and Men with grey/white beards”.  I was there last in December 2012, performing with Ruby Wax who has done extremely well in promoting mental health.  In the green room under the make up lights, I couldn’t take my eyes off her amazing smooth skin for a woman similar to my age.  Face lifts/Botox etc are extraordinary.  I met with another woman recently who said that HRT keeps her skin looking so young.  I do think about it but am grateful to have my husband who finds me attractive and I favour to look after myself from the inside out, keeping the internal organs working whilst keeping MS at bay.  Medication and  surgery can come at a different price.

If you are ever unhappy about how you look, check out this amazing Canadian man who I am proud to know and have worked with:

#David Roche:  Inspirational Humorist  http://www.davidroche.com

Without taking care of my face with surgery it would be way too late to get on TV,  but I don’t mind, because I have been on TV.  When the BBC news came to Peckham Library mother and baby group in 2000, talking about the compensation that had been offered to Damilola’s parents, I was interviewed and got on the news with the soundbite.  While breastfeeding I said “It’s not just about money, it’s about life”.  I am content with my historical TV presence, it is an important message.

(There is also the subliminal with film and TV e.g. when the film  “Let him have it” came out about Derek Bentley there were posters all over the underground.  Lots of my ex boyfriends got back in contact with me around this time.  It’s nice to be remembered.  Oops, this reminds me, I should be using my time editing my book ..)






#Tesco delivery done before the sky turned orange.. and it’s the Klinker club tomorrow night

img_0538At the weekend I stayed at my uncle Peter’s.  Uncle Peter has been disabled since 1946 when he contracted Polio.  On arrival I was pleased to find he had a new stair lift installed and sink moved in toilet to make mobility in and out of wheel chair easier.  We chatted about delivery men and how he uses Sainsbury and how good they are in Southampton.  We chatted about Brexit and education and he helped me respond to a ridiculous school email.

My uncle Peter suggested there should be a national competition for the prime minister who has been the most dangerous for our country in the last 40 years.  He suggested the prize should be an inverted statue erected in Paliament Square with a plaque with the name and ‘or everyone’ inscribed below.

Tomorrow night, Tuesday I am very excited to be performing at the #Klinker club, details at http://www.klinkerclub.com  Hugh Metcalf gave me one of my very first gigs there back in 2002.  It’s a gem of a club.  My uncle Peter would like it but he is like a fine red wine and doesn’t travel well.


Autumn colours going beautifully with #Tesco delivery mens attire

I’m off tonight to do a 50 minute new show written especially for The Guild of Psychotherapists, loosely based on ‘Sex, politics and men with grey/white beards’.

I am very excited , I was last there to see Andrew Samuels talk about his new book ‘A New Therapy For Politics ‘ .  He got a massive build up on introduction . I have asked for the same and written 1000 words about myself for the host to read out as I am very competitive.

Andrew Samuels sold his book for £20 but refused to sign it , I am selling mine for £5 and will sign anything to order.  It is a sixth of the size but a sixth of Mr Samuels book is references , therefore not his own work, making my book better value .

The time I was here before was in 2009 performing with the one and only Rachel Pantechnicon who has told me in a recent text to ‘mark her words’ in reference to her making a comeback ,  how exciting is that …